Tools I Use

Matt Gregg

Matt uses VS Code with the Night Owl theme. He also uses a tool called Pop as an alternative for screen sharing. For prototyping, he uses Sketch and Figma.

Adam DeHaven

Adam is a full-stack engineer who uses Adobe Illustrator for his layouts. For his terminal, he's also using oh my zsh with the Powerlevel 10k theme just like we are. His IDE is also VS Code, but he uses the Material Theme.

Shawn D'silva

Shawn is a developer who uses Adobe XD for his prototyping. For screen sharing, he uses OBS Studio. Most of the time, he uses a Windows terminal, or the one that's integrated into VS Code.

How to add your own page to

Firstly, you'll need to create a '/uses' page within your own personal website. Next, you have to submit your page to, by creating a pull request to the repo that can be found here: Included in this pull request should be a data.json file, which will contain the details of your submission. After that, your pull request will be reviewed, and if they agree to merge your submission, your page will be a part of the website.


"How can I add my own page to the website", ChatGPT, 3.5, OpenAI, 19 Apr. 2024,